Saturday, August 28, 2010

Mayan Hammock as the primary Sleep System

Regarding the use of the open-sprang, hand-woven Mayan Hammock as the primary Sleep System

Author: Chris Shields, appreciator of the Mayan hammock.

Special Note: The use of spreader bars in Hammock construction creates an unstable platform
Spreader bar Hammocks are only suitable for sunbathing and are not suitable for use as a primary form of Bedding
Mayan Hammocks do not incorporate the use of spreader bars and are very stable

01] Mayan hammocks are inherently soft and Comfortable, conforming to the contours of each body individually.
02] Mayan Hammocks Support the body equally, creating a sensation of near weightlessness.
03] Suspended from two points, the Mayan Hammock is essentially a swing. This swaying motion stimulates the vestibules of the inner ear, promoting a Relaxation Response, encouraging Cognitive Awareness and triggering Lucid Dream States.
04] The combined effects of comfort, support, near weightlessness and gentle swaying calm the nervous system, particularly helpful for those people with Sensory Integration Disorders such as Autism, ADD and ADHD.
05] The swaying motion acts an external pumping mechanism, increasing the rate of flow within the Lymphatic System.
06] Mayan Hammocks are Aesthetically pleasing to behold.
07] The open-sprang weave of the Mayan Hammock, and one-dimensional design make Cleaning simple and easy, and the Hammock dries rapidly in the breeze. They can be hand or machine laundered.
08] Mayan Hammocks are Fun to experience.
09] Mayan Hammocks remove the occupant from most invasive, ground dwelling pests.
10] Mayan Hammocks accumulate little to no dust, debris or sloughing skin cells and they permit invasive pests to fall to the floor, through the open weave.
11] Mayan Hammocks are Versatile, presenting almost unlimited options for installation.
12] The versatility extends to folding within the expandable fabric, many patterns can be arranged by the occupant, creating a visual and textural delight.
13] Mayan Hammocks are lightweight, yet can hold hundreds of pounds, even thousands of pounds.
14] Mayan Hammocks are inherently stable, with a low center of gravity; they do not tip or expel the occupant.
15] It is virtually impossible to fall out of the Mayan Hammock, as the side knitting creates a bathtub shape.
16] Mayan Hammocks are Inexpensive, available for less than a day's wages, and properly cared for, last upwards of a decade.
17] Mayan Hammocks are Cool in the heat of summer, and sufficiently warm in winter. External heat sources are felt immediately, they have no mass to pre-heat.
18] Mayan Hammocks can be stacked one over the other in bunk bed fashion, allowing a single room to sleep multiple occupants, each in their own Hammock.
19] Mayan Hammocks are Spacious, the expandable weave permits multiple occupants in a single Hammock, entire families can fit in a single Hammock.
20] Mayan Hammocks are Hand Made, Fair Traded and support village communities.
21] Mayan Hammocks are Sustainable, providing a natural fiber for contact against the skin. They contain no toxic chemicals and require no Flame Retardants.
22] Infants can crib/nest in Mayan Hammocks, and relieve themselves through the easily cleaned open weave. There is no cause for overt reaction upon bed-wetting, reducing emotional stress.
23] Mayan Hammocks are easily transported. A person can bring their own Hammock with them on vacations and outdoor ventures.
24] Mayan Hammocks are Modular; they can be easily removed to increase living space while not occupied.
25] Infants cannot suffocate in a Mayan Hammock.
26] SIDS is at a reduced level of possibility in a Mayan Hammock, as the occupant naturally assumes a Fetal Position for sleeping, and is prevented from Prone positioning (SIDS is linked to low Vitamin C blood levels, but sleep position plays a role).
27] Mayan Hammocks are Mathematically intriguing, illustrating both Origami based folding principles and String Theory.
28] Mayan Hammocks preclude the need for pillow or blanket (in warmer months), as the fabric of the Hammock itself serves as both pillow and blanket.
29] Mayan Hammocks can be installed with springs at the terminal ends, providing additional range of motion and increasing the Therapeutic benefits, Cognitive Awareness, Lucid Dream State and Relaxation Response.
30] Mayan Hammocks can be Counter-weighted at the terminal ends, facilitating the Modular component. Upon exiting the Hammock, it will rise up and out of the way, increasing floor space.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Care and feeding of the Mayan Hammock

OK! So you have just bought a beautiful Mayan hammock and installed it between two shade trees in the back yard. The hammock is beautiful to look at, and so stunningly comfortable that you wonder if you will ever do useful work again. Then the thought hits: "How do I care for this hammock to keep it lovely for years?"

Welcome to my world! Here are a few tips to keep you hanging in comfort for years.

  • 1) Bring it in when not in use. Think of the hammock as a nice cotton shirt. Would you leave your shirt on the clothesline for a year, and expect it to iron up and look great? I don't think so.
  • 2) If it gets wet, let it dry. Cotton will mildew if left wet on a regular basis. If your hammock does get wet, keep a bamboo pole, broomstick, length of PVC pipe, or similar object nearby to spread the hammock open. It will dry quickly that way, and is unlikely to mildew.
  • 3) Wash it occasionally. Bug residue, tree sap, airborne contaminants and the remains of whatever you bring into the hammock with you provide a base for decay. Washing will remove them and prolong the life of your hangout.
  • 4) Consider a hammock protector. This is a nylon or polyester sleeve that can be slipped over the hammock when not in use to keep all the aforementioned contaminants from contacting your hammock in the first place.
  • 5) Watch what you wear in the hammock. Clothing with buttons and sharp edges can catch on the strings and cause snags and sometimes breaks in the strings. So, if you don't hammock in the nude, wear soft clothes.
  • 6) Repair snags quickly. If you do break a string tie the ends together and work it back into the weave. Don't wait for snags to turn into holes, and for holes to turn into chasms. These things are easy to fix if caught early.


Hammocks are not difficult to move and handle; but some care must be given to avoid tangling the suspension strings. Always hold the two end loops in one hand when moving the hammock. If you try to hold a hammock like a jump rope you may discover how bad things can happen to good people!


Observe the handling suggestions above. Tie the suspension arms of the hammock at intervals with pieces of cord to prevent tangling (use knots that untie easily, so you are not tempted to cut the knots later), and soak in lukewarm water with mild detergent. Rinse carefully and dry quickly, using the "drying stick" previously mentioned. On the cotton hammocks there may be a small amount of color bleed. Don't worry! They won't fade away.

Care for your Mayan hammock with love, and you will love it for years!

For tons of information about the Mayan hammock, and the best selection of the world's most comfortable hammocks visit Tom Sloane will help you find the perfect hammock for home or garden.

Article Source:

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

A Perfect Way to Relax

Hammocks - a perfect way to relax

By: Alina White

Before you get the garden furniture, you should also check out hammocks and hammock chairs which could be a perfect fit in your backyard or just what you need for a picnic or camping. Made from fabric, or open weave cording, they are used for resting, sleeping, or just swinging, and can be hung between trees, two strong poles, or even from the wall of your house to a tree or a pole. Hammocks, traditionally associated with beach side living, have found their way into everyday life. They were once used at sea, especially in navy ships, where space was a constraint, and having bunk beds for everyone was not practical. Ship balancing problems for those sleeping on traditional bunk beds were automatically solved using this wonderful innovation. Sleeping in this little paradise was also considered healthy and safe in olden times as there were lesser chances of insect bites or animal attacks. Once you are through with your siesta, you can fold the fabric neatly and keep this pleasure your little secret.

Types of hammocks:

You will be spoiled by all the choices when you go to a physical or online store which sells Nicaraguan hammocks, Brazilian hammocks and Mayan hammocks – well, it might sound like a South American travel tour; but no. These are the names of few of the traditional artisan hammocks which have become very popular with customers. For example, Mayan Hammocks are considered by many to be the most comfortable of the hammocks, while the Brazilian and Nicaraguan are noted for decorative beauty and luxury. Hammocks are usually designed to carry several times your body weight, which means, it might be the perfect place to get a little closer to your loved one. You will also find camping hammocks and hammock chairs which are innovative offshoots of the original hammock idea.

Are hammocks safe?

The only challenge with a hammock is to get in and then get out of one. Once you have mastered this easy technique, you might not find a safer place than being inside your hammock. Perfectly adjusting its shape to the human body, they can rock you and put you to sleep, or give you a perfect time of peace and tranquility while you take in the beautiful surroundings. Professional hammock companies ensure that rigorous quality checks are done on every product and accessories they sell.

Author Resource:-> To relaxation lovers everywhere who want to find a truly comfortable daily retreat, we offer an incomparable selection of the world's most comfortable and beautiful hammocks. Spend a few minutes on our website, to find world's most comfortable hammocks | hammock chairs at the most comfortable prices.

Article From On Topic Articles

Hammock Your back Pain Away

Hammock Your Back Pain Away
An aching back is a real pain. And yes, when I climbed out of my hammock this morning I did not have any. Another restful night! Another pain free morning! How does it get any better than this? The back pain thing for me seems to have been a culmination of sporting incidents, auto accidents, and construction mishaps, all compounded by stress. The hammock solution started during a trip many years ago up the Amazon River, a murky humid wonder of a place where we all slept on deck in ragged old hammocks. We got partial relief from the ferocity of the insect world using old insect netting jammed up as well as we could do it and spread over the hammock. Never slept better! And in the course of travel up through Central America and into Mexico, I found that every region had its own distinctive hammock style. In the rural areas, and also in the more complaisant urban areas, these are still in wide use in beds. When I got back to the States I had brought a couple with me, and out of nostalgia strung them up for bed use. How sweet it was!
But life goes on; and a guy meets a girl; and things build and develop; and the next thing you know, the old married guy is sleeping in a king size bed with all those darn pillows and shams, and all this other paraphernalia that seems to be required in that environment, including, alas, that old familiar pain in the lower back that seems to be exacerbated by the tossing and turning on terra firma. This went on and on for years. For a person who suffers from back pain, there are two aspects of sleeping in a bed that seem to make the situation worse. Only the most extreme and extremely expensive beds do a creditable job of providing all over support. And virtually all beds create pressure points that instigate tossing and turning, tossing and turning which can put unusual pressures on the back, especially when "under cover".
Massage helps. Chiropractic helps. Alphabiotics helps a LOT. But it wasn’t until my memory was jogged by happier days that I started seeking out a hammock to set up as a relief pit stop. This proved fruitless in the area where I lived; and it wasn’t until I tried shopping on line that I found a great website devoted to the theory and practice of using the Mayan Hammock as a bed. No sooner had my King size cotton Mayan Hammock arrived and been strung up, I began to find ongoing relief from the ailments of a too solid flesh! The reason that the hammock provides such relief is that it does not create pressure points; and the “cellular” weave structure provides remarkable support over every inch of the body. It is almost like floating in a pool of water, except a lot drier. In the hammock I wake up in virtually the same position I went to sleep in. Without the tossing and turning, my back has been comfortably supported throughout the night.
Of course there are concerns to be dealt with. The hammock holds no heat. While this is great in the hot summer months when one can sleep comfortably without the addition of either air conditioning or blankets, in the winter some form of blanketing must be incorporated into the sleep system. This can include comforters, blankets, snuggies, or sleeping bags. Even with this bit of inconvenience, however, a hammock is a back’s best friend! Visit Seaside Hammocks today!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

A hammock is a thing of beauty

A hammock is a thing of beauty and a joy forever. When winter passes, and summer once more blesses the land with its heat, who among us does not begin to picture a hammock swaying gently in the back yard? It is a fact that after the monstrous exertions which the season compels, rest is a must. And not just any rest—rest in the shade with a gentle breeze. And here comes the important part. While the ground is ok if there is no alternative, it is hard. Bugs crawl in your ear, and misfortune abounds. Enter the Hammock, a venerable deity of the rites of spring and midsummer dreams.
When Columbus "discovered" America, folks here were already hammocking. Fishermen of days gone by had been sleeping in their nets for a millennium -- a smelly occupation to be sure; but one that at least had the advantage of drawing flies. Wait! That is not necessarily an advantage. But it was the motivational precursor to the mosquito net, which followed the invention of the hammock by only a few hundred years.
In the world of the hammock, the ancient Mayans wove them out of cording formed from the hamac tree. The Amazonians cross wove them; and some poor guy from Carolina tried to improve them with rope and bars. That was not such a good idea as it turns out, because the ropes leave marks on your tender flesh, and the bars make them tippy. But, hey, you can't blame a guy for trying.
This brings us to your back yard, which you may be seeing a lot more of now than in times gone by. How do you pick out a hammock in which to while away part of a lazy day? We consulted with our local hammock expert, a man generally considered to be the original underachiever, a fellow who snoozes his life away, occasionally coming to, for long enough to enlighten the world on the joys of non achievement. This paragon of somnolent virtues took time out of his busy napping schedule to extol the qualities of the Mayan Hammock, a device he claims more than makes up for the misery inflicted on the world by the dismal prophecies believed to be foreshadowed in the Mayan calendar, such as the purported end of the world in 2012. This hammock is woven in looms, by hand, in such a way that there is no warp or weft, only tiny diamond shaped interstices in the flowing seamless web. This web, he claims, infinitely supports and cushions every cell and fiber of ones being in such amazing comfort that….At this point he dropped off to sleep, leaving me hanging in far less comfort than he himself enjoyed.
Sometime later, he went on to explain that he sleeps in this same type of hammock at night, because the lack of pressure points in this type of design allows him to sleep more deeply, less restlessly, and to awaken in the morning absent the usual back pain that he experiences when sleeping in a bed, any bed. He also mentioned an almost mystical sense of being held between Heaven and earth by unseen hands. This all sounded pretty good to me, so I asked him where I could find one. “Ah”, he said, nodding sagely,”When the Chela is ready, the Hammock appears.”
They are appearing now at Seaside Hammocks.